The HALIPdat project generated a comprehensive set of high quality teaching material to university-level students on the High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP), and in particular its onshore exposures on Svalbard, termed the Diabasodden Suite. The primarily web-based material is actively used in several courses at circum-Arctic universities (University Centre in Svalbard, University of Oslo, University of Tromsø, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, University of Omaha and more). The project was financed by the University of the Arctic (UArctic) for the period Sep 2018-Aug 2019.

The project has contributed to a graduate course at UNIS, AG351/851 on Arctic Tectonics and Magmatism. 13 students participated in the course in June-July 2019, and we plan to run it again in summer 2020. Check out the course website for more details:
One of the key objectives of HALIPdat was to generate a virtual excursion to relevant localities where Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks are exposed – you can follow this excursion by visiting the virtual field trip site of Svalbox:
Some of the proejct results are also disseminated through conferences and publications:
Senger, K. 2019: Svalbox: a Geoscientific Database for High Arctic Teaching and Research. AAPG Annual Conference & Exhibition. San Antonio, Texas.
Senger, K. 2019: Early Cretaceous dolerites in Spitsbergen: a virtual field trip to the most accessible HALIP exposures. AGU Chapman Conference, Large-scale Volcanism in the Arctic: The Role of the Mantle and Tectonics. 13-18 October 2019. Selfoss, Iceland.
Senger, K., Betlem, P., Rabbel, O., Lecomte, I. & Galland, O. 2019: Early Cretaceous igneous intrusions in Svalbard: seismic modelling as a link between boreholes, outcrops and seismic data. LASI VI (Physical geology of subvolcanic systems: Laccoliths, sills and dykes), 24-25th November 2019. Malargue, Argentina.
Senger, K. & Nordmo, I. under review: Using digital field notebooks in geoscientific field learning in high Arctic environments – student experiences. Journal of Geoscience Education.
Senger, K., Betlem, P., Buckley, S. J., Coakley, B., Eide, C. H., Flaig, P. P., Forien, M., Galland, O., Jr, L. G., Jensen, M., Lecomte, I., Mair, K., Malm, R. H., Mulrooney, M., Naumann, N., Nordmo, I., Nolde, N., Ogata, K., Schaaf, N. W. & Smyrak-Sikora, A. under review: Circum-Arctic Geology for Everyone: using virtual outcrops to make the high Arctic more accessible through the Svalbox database. Journal of Geoscience Education.