Discover Svalbard with Svalbox
Your gateway to Svalbard geodata
Svalbox is an interactive 3D geoscience database of Svalbard, based at the University Centre in Svalbard. Svalbox offers free and unrestricted access to a growing number of digital outcrop models in the context of Svalbard’s regional geology. Our vision is to systematically digitize Svalbard to facilitate sustainable, safe and quantitative geoscientific field work. Explore Svalbard digitally with Svalbox!

Interactive portal
The heart of Svalbox is an interactive map showing all digital outcrop models acquired in Svalbard in the context of regional geology – with direct download links to published data sets!

Svalbox Projects
Svalbox is a central part of many research, networking and education projects. Explore these here!

You can do a lot with digital tools – but which buttons do I press? Here we provide best-practice workflows based on our experiences and additional resources for geoscientists working in future.

Where will be in 5 years time? The Svalbox team is continuously pushing the boundaries to make data visualisation, integration and analyses more user friendly. And we are also happy to hear the community’s input!
What is Svalbox and what data do we integrate?
How do we acquire field data?

Citing and using Svalbox
Svalbox is and will forever remain free to use for any purpose. Data acquired by UNIS, in particular digital outcrop models and photospheres, can be used for most purposes (open-use if not specified otherwise). The primary thing we ask for is that data and source are properly cited.
Data integrated to Svalbox are used internally at UNIS for research and education but can be shared externally if the original data owner allows this. For citing and when referring to Svalbox in academic work please use the following references:
- Betlem, P., Rodés, N., Birchall, T., Dahlin, A., Smyrak-Sikora, A., and Senger, K., 2023, Svalbox Digital Model Database: A geoscientific window into the High Arctic: Geosphere, v. 19, p. 1640–1666,
- Senger, K. et al., 2020, Using digital outcrops to make the high Arctic more accessible through the Svalbox database: Journal of Geoscience Education,
Explore Svalbox’s curated educational data packages in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment. Access here.